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Springfield Veterinary Clinic

Here at Springfield Veterinary Clinic, we aim to serve you, the pet owner, by helping your pet receive the best in quality veterinary care. THANK YOU for allowing us to serve you and your pets for over 40 years!!


Constipation, retention of feces, affects cats more commonly than dogs. Constipation can be caused by dehydration, anal sac disease, foreign bodies trapped within the colon, spinal disease, obstructions or trauma within the pelvic canal, and idiopathic (unexplained) causes. Pets with constipation posture to defecate yet produce scant to no feces; they may have abdominal pain. Pets with marked constipation may vomit. Definitive diagnosis is made by physical examination and radiographs of the abdomen. Treatment for constipation includes rehydration, dietary modifications, stool softeners, and addressing the primary cause if possible (e.g.: foreign body or pelvic fracture).